DS Press

Listing of DS and DS users in the trade mags and on the web. (revised: Aug 22, 2013 12:40 pm)


Blog on the end of DS:

Studio Daily's Take on the end of the DS:

Small Article about using the DS in the HBO documentary, Manhunt:


Mike Sullivan of BPI, talks about setting up a multi-media installation:
Creative Cow: Mike Sullivan's "Coacoochee's Story"


Igor Ridanovic talks Red and Avid with StudioDaily (8/08): Igor_StudioDaily

FreshDV with audio of the DS conference call (8/08): FreshDV

CNN Money (8/08): Avid DS 10 Speeds Creative Hi-Res Online Process

HD Head – Avid Announces the Release of DS v10

The Hollywood Reporter – Avid advances in the art of 3-D - Mentions that the new version of Avid DS incorporates tools for stereoscopic filmmaking

Splice Here – DSv10 - Steve Cohen posts his feedback - “The new version boasts impressive speed and a new approach to processing based on the host computer and the GPU in the video card (an Nvidia FX 3700)”

Sports Video Group – Avid’s New DS 10 Speeds Hi-Res Online Creative

Declan MacErlane (Piranha Bar, Ireland) on the Digital Production Buzz Podcast (8/08): Digital Production Buzz

Broadcast Engineering (8/08): Avid Announces Avid DS v10

Digital Production Buzz (8/08): "Avid Announces DS v10"<

Creative Cow (8/08): "Avid DS 10 Speeds Creative Hi-Res Online Process"

Digital Content Producer (8/08): "Avid DS 10 Speeds Creative Hi-Res Online Process"

DV Magazine (8/08): “Avid Launches Avid DS Version 10”

Scotoma Movie Geek (8/08): "Avid Advances in the Art of 3D"

Studio Daily (8/08): "Avid DS 10 Speeds Creative Hi-Res Online Process"

Videography (8/08):“Avid Launches Avid DS Version 10”

Ironik, Bluefoot and ESPN on Avid.com (8/08):Ironik_Bluefoot

Avid Press Release (7/18/08): Leading Post Production Facilities Save Customers Time and Money Finishing High Profile Projects on Avid DS Nitris Systems

Marc Fisher's FCP to DS with Automatic Duck on Post Magazine's video section (7/03/08): Marc Fisher_PostMag

Paul Neal and Dreamworks Animation in DV Magazine (7/08): Paul Neal_DVMag PDF

Igor Ridanovic on Digital Production Buzz podcast - Scoll down to the July 03, 2008 entry (7/03/08): Igor Ridanovic on DPB

Sean Stall interview in Markee Magazine (6/08): Sean Stall_Markee PDF

Igor Ridanovic, Kappa and Red Users Group (6/08): Igor Ridanovic/Red_Post PDF

Kevin Johnson and Coolfire Media in Post Magazine (5/07/08): Kevin Johnson_PostMag


DS, Big Bang Post and FilmLight

BNet article Democratizing D.I.


Heydar Adel mention in DV Magazine (2006): Heydar Adel_DVMag

Revised: Aug 22, 2013 12:40 pm