This article covers advanced use of Avid MetaFuze as a render farm processing node. For basics on MetaFuze visit the official site.
MetaFuze can be described as a front end media importer for Avid Media Composer. It is a standalone application used for transcoding various digital formats to Media Composer’s native MXF format.
In cases of certain file formats such as DPX or R3D MetaFuze must be used because Media Composer lacks the ability to import these file types directly.
MetaFuze is also capable of faster file imports of certain file types that are supported by Media Composer. It can be more economical because multiple instances of free MetaFuze software can be deployed on general purpose computers thus relieving the editing workstation of file import duties.
MetaFuze runs in Windows but can also be executed from command line using this syntax:
where “file” is the file name of the MetaFuze XML transcode job.
This functionality allows users to develop rendering networks using MetaFuze on any number of render nodes.
The batch script below is a simple render manager that illustrates this concept using only one node. Save the Mfmanager batch file in C:Program Files (x86)AvidMetaFuze as MFMANAGER.BAT. Execute it as follows:
where “path” is the full Windows path to the folder with MetaFuze XML files.
The batch file will submit all the files to MetaFuze for processing and place them in “processed” directory when they are finished.
Mfmanager is very simple and may not be appropriate for actual post-production processing but can be used as a basic building block for building a more robust render manager for MetaFuze.
REM Simple MetaFuze XML Render Manager REM Igor Ridanovic 2009
ECHO OFF CLS IF "%1"=="" GOTO Instructions
REM Verify path and files IF NOT EXIST "%1" GOTO Error IF NOT EXIST "%1".xml GOTO Empty
REM Create "processed" Directory if none exist IF NOT EXIST "%1"processed MKDIR "%1"processed
REM Call MetaFuze for each XML file FOR /f %%f IN ('DIR /b "%1"*.xml') DO ( METAFUZE -debug "%1"%%f COPY "%1"%%f "%1"processed DEL "%1"%%f ) GOTO :Done
:Error CLS ECHO The XML path you entered doesn't exist. GOTO Done
:Empty CLS ECHO There are no XML files in the directory. GOTO Done
:Instructions CLS ECHO Usage: MFMANAGER PATH ECHO where PATH is the path to your XML files.